Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Welcome to this collaborative project.  The purpose of this project is to share ways to use mobile tools to extend our use of Google Tools.  The challenge that lead to this project was the rapid adoption of mobile tools in today's schools.  In 2009,  the Horizon Report predicted that mobile tools were less than a year from being widely adopted in today's school.  Their prediction has held true.  In my work with schools I see more and more mobile tools being used by administrators, educators, and students.  Whether it be an administrator using a smart phone, a student using an iPod touch, a single ipad in the classroom,  a cart full of ipads,  or  full fledge 1:1 with iPad deployments, or the increasing use of other mobile technology such as Android tablets,  mobile users are trying to figure out how to keep  using the powerful Google Tools that have become part of their workflow and their culture.  I've heard many even ponder out loud, that they are trying to decide whether to chose  Google Tools OR  mobile Tools. If your school has grown to be a collaborative culture fueled by the power of Google Tools to collaborate,  you certainly don't want to give up the power of these tools.  Nor do you want to give up the power to consume AND create anywhere, anytime that Mobile Tools offer.
Unfortunately today's digital tool ecosystem does not seem to offer the most fluid way to CONSUME,  CREATE, and COLLABORATE - ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, on ANY DEVICE.  Fortunately we are seeing constant changes in the digital tools landscape that bring us closer to that desired state of being able to COLLABORATE - ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, on ANY DEVICE.

So as we move forward, it seems that we could eliminate lots of time that each individual spends looking for the best way to use Google Tools and Mobile Tools together and trying to keep up with new possibilities as the tools are updated to include new features.  Thus came this idea of creating a collaborative space for sharing amongst the passionate users of Google Tools who want to leverage the power of mobile devices.

Please consider adding your tips in the comment section  or requesting an invitation to become a contributor to this Blog space.

Note:  this workspace was originally set up as a Google Site, at the Google Summit- New England, but has been moved to blog format to make contributing via comments easier.   I look forward to your ideas for Extending Google Tools With Mobile Tools.  Please contact me if you would like to contribute as a a blog author or blog guest.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wanted to share a great website with you that allows 1:1 schools to share instant data from students. It is socrative and it is a web based student response system. www.socrative.com Enjoy. Janice McGuire
